Alright, I got past the locker. Maybe I'm stupid.
Alright, I got past the locker. Maybe I'm stupid.
Lovely little game, with a clear Little Big Planet inspiration behind it. I remember playing this when I was younger and being mesmerized by it. Replayed it fully recently as I never actually finished it, and, while I do have criticisms such as the game being quite slow, physics that, while working fine, could improve, and the lack of a big reward of end when the adventure is done, the game is still very charming, and the music, even if it's the only track the game has, is just fun, and really drives that feeling of childhood wonder home, and I love it, this game just reminds me of the fun of being a kid, and I'll always love it for the underrated classic that it is.
Slightly buggy at times, but fun idea and style indeed
Yeah i tried to draw a smooth dick so what
I fycjukibng died trying to get that fast badge
and guess what
i didnt even get it
i've beaten it im true gamor
edit: lmao
A true dubstep gamer
This feels like a game I'd see way back in 2007 or so and I love it
We love you!
Oh no Flash has moided this game
Damn, this is still amazing even after years. It's seems it's still being made (thank god) so I'll stay tuned. Take your time, no rush, we're all waiting patiently. Can't wait for when it's done, because it's gonna be awesome for sure.
aw hell nah samforf from madsnes be bustin a move??
shiiit he a real one
Very pretty and sad game. The controls can be a challenge, but I'm pretty sure that's the intention, to make the player feel for the challenge that is the life of our protagonist, the Triachnid.
Also awesome to see an appearance of it in The Binding Of Isaac and its remake. Though there it's like, big. I wonder what its size really is compared to a human? Would totally love to hold Triachnid in my arms and pet it, poor little thing...
The music from the Tin Hat Trio is also phenomenal and a great, great choice that very much fits the atmosphere of the game and its world.
Apparently this also takes place in the same world as other games of yours like Cerebrus Peashy. Nice. I love connected worlds.
Hey, I'm Pie. I know it says "DubstepGamer" there, but 8 year old me thought it was SO cool and I have no money to change it. I'll be posting art here irregularly, as I do on every other place I exist on. Please, enjoy, if you will.
Age 20, The girly girl one
therapy attendant
I've went to schools yeah
Brasil, with an S
Joined on 2/25/14